What does resilience mean for our health?

24. October 2022
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24. October 2022 Elvira Radaca

Resilience promotion, resilient companies, or resilience training are just a few buzzwords we’ve been encountering a lot lately, both in our personal and professional lives. But what exactly is behind the buzzword resilience? What exactly does this term have to do with health?

Resilience can be understood as an ability that helps people make a positive adjustment to stressful situations. It represents mechanisms for coping with and overcoming difficult experiences, i.e., a person’s ability to successfully adapt to change, resist the negative effects of stressors, and avoid the occurrence of significant dysfunction.

For this reason, resilience is also often described as the resistance capacity that helps one to face crisis situations in the best possible way in order to come out of them unscathed and stronger. Recent studies have shown that the higher the level of resilience, the lower the vulnerability and risk of illness. This is because resilient people are generally optimistic, tend to see everything as a useful experience, focus on their personal strengths and qualities, and are aware of their emotions. These qualities not only go hand in hand with the complex process of building and promoting resilience, but also promote mental and physical health.

Resilience can be built, strengthened, and sustained through a variety of interventions. Because of the health-promoting properties of resilience, the range of resilience-promoting training courses has increased recently. In the meantime, these trainings and courses are offered by many companies as well as health insurance companies.

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